Panasonic Australia's The Ideas Kitchen provides recipes and tips on how to get the most out of their convection microwave ovens, bread makers, rice cookers, and other Panasonic appliances.

Massaman Chicken Curry

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Massaman Chicken Curry

Make a delicious winter curry in your rice cooker! Massaman Curry is a classic Thai dish that combines the rich creaminess of a coconut sauce with slow-cooked meat that falls apart at the merest touch. Traditionally made with beef, we’ve done a lighter chicken version and tweaked the method so you cook it in your rice cooker for a simple ‘set and forget’ dinner. Made using a Rice Cooker SR-DE183WST.
Servings: 4
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  • 8 small chicken legs
  • 50 g massaman curry paste
  • 1 cup thick coconut cream
  • 1 cup thin coconut cream
  • 50 g potato chopped
  • 50 g onion chopped
  • ¼ cup roast peanuts chopped
  • 1 cube stock cube
  • 1 tbsp tamarind paste
  • tbsp palm sugar
  • 2-3 bay leaves*
  • 1/4 cup roast cardamom*
  • *If the bay leaf and cardamom are not available this recipe will still taste delicious without.


  • Pour thick coconut cream, massaman curry paste into the inner pan. Mix them thoroughly, and close the outer lid.
  • Press Menu Select key to select Steam mode.
  • Set cooking timer to 15 min, and press Start key to begin separation of oil from the boiling of coconut cream.
  • When the cooker begins to beep, press Off key, and then open the outer lid.
  • Add the rest of ingredients into the inner pan. Mix them thoroughly, and close the outer lid.
  • Press Menu Select key to select Soup/Cook mode.
  • Set cooking timer to 1 hour, and press Start key.
  • When the cooker begins to beep again, you’ll know the dish is done.
  • Serve and enjoy!